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Why You Must Be Proactive About Your License Defense Strategy

Why You Must Be Proactive About Your License Defense Strategy

You’ve received a license complaint or you know that an investigation is underway. Either way, you’re likely panicking and trying to figure out what to do next. A lot depends on the circumstances of your complaint, the severity of the claims against you, and whether or not your license is generally in good standing. However, if you suspect your license is in danger, it is in your best interest to take action and explore your legal options in Southern California. The team at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates can help you protect your license and career—just call us at 562-216-2944 to get started.

California is a state with substantial protections in place for consumers. However, this also leads to significant hurdles for working professionals. There are over three dozen licensing boards in California, and many of those boards oversee multiple professions. For example, the Board of Barbering & Cosmetology licenses barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, electrologists, manicurists, and hairstylists. What does this mean? It means that more people than ever are at risk of having their license affected by an inaccurate or fraudulent complaint. If you have a complaint against you, you must take it seriously and take action.

Mitigate the Damage

One of the benefits of jumping right into action is mitigating the damage of the complaint. While the board has a complaint pending against you, the evidence is stacked against you. Your attorney can get more information on the complaint, find out what evidence the licensing board has against you, and figure out how to counteract it. A small number of license complaints end up being the result of misunderstandings or fraudulent reports, and once that comes to light, the investigation comes to a quick and quiet end. When that’s the case, your attorney may be able to handle the situation swiftly to avoid damage to your reputation. If the complaint against you has some merit to it, your attorney can come up with strategies to secure a favorable outcome.

Protect Your Reputation and Highlight Your Commitment

Your professional license doesn’t just allow you to work in your chosen field. It shows your commitment to your field, the education you’ve gone through to work in your current role, and your dedication to the field’s standards and expectations. Taking the complaint against you seriously and being proactive about your approach to it can preserve your reputation and help the board see you in a better light. Whether or not you actually did something wrong to warrant action against your license, you do want to show the licensing board that you take their concerns seriously.

Show That You’re Taking the Situation Seriously

Why is it so important to show the licensing board that you are listening to their concerns and approaching them seriously? You work in a licensed profession, which means that the actions of one reflect on the actions of all. The licensing board isn’t just there to protect the public from unreliable or unskilled professionals; it is also there to protect professionals from having their titles watered down and damaged by unlicensed workers. When you work to prove your professionalism, commitment to your field, and adherence to the licensing board’s principles, you can influence the outcome of the complaint against you.

Know All of the Potential Outcomes

As the saying goes, knowledge is power—and that’s definitely the case when your license is at risk of being suspended or revoked. Many people severely underreact or overreact to a license complaint. They may assume that the complaint is fake, that the board will see through it, and that nothing will happen—so they don’t take any action. Those on the other side of the scale may immediately assume that their license is going to be revoked and that there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s more likely that your situation falls somewhere in the middle, and talking to a license defense attorney can give you better insight into the likely outcome of your case. When you have a more realistic understanding of what’s to come, you can make decisions that serve the future of your career.

Is Your License in Danger? Call the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates Now

Whether you’ve already been notified of the complaint against you or you’ve heard about it through other means, it’s never too early to talk to a license defense attorney in Southern California. The team at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates is here to advocate for you, explain your options, and support you throughout this process. Get in touch online or give us a call at 562-216-2944 to set up a time to talk now.

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