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Long Beach Wrongful Death Attorney

Your family member died in an accident. Now, you’re left struggling and wondering: Is it possible to get compensation for the accident? You could be facing very high medical bills, funeral expenses, and other costs that you now need to cover during this tumultuous time. By consulting with a wrongful death lawyer, you could potentially receive a settlement, which would help you out when you need it the most. If you’re looking for a wrongful death lawyer, Robin D. Perry is here for you and ready to help.

*Alert: In April 2023, Robin Perry settled an historic wrongful death case involving the Long Beach Unified School District for $13 Million – the largest settlement in a school district shooting ever in the United States. Read more here.

*Alert: In April of 2023, Robin Perry settled a wrongful death lawsuit for $1.275 Million involving a man killed by a truck on the freeway in Blythe, CA. Read more here.

Wrongful Death Law Firm Serving Southern California

For over two decades, attorney Robin Perry has been representing clients in Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Southern California to fight to get the compensation that’s rightfully theirs after a wrongful death. You can give us a call at 562-216-2944 to schedule your consultation today or simply to learn about what we can offer. In the meantime, discover more about the laws on wrongful death and how we can assist you.


What Is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

A wrongful death lawsuit is one that a survivor can bring about against the responsible party for a loved one’s death. In California, surviving family members can file wrongful death claims against the negligent party when an accident they caused results in their loved one’s death. There could be a criminal trial and a civil wrongful death lawsuit that arise in a case. For instance, if a drunk driver killed your spouse, they might be behind bars and serving a long sentence for their action, but you could also file a civil suit against them for compensation.

To prove a wrongful death, you’ll have to show that your family member died, the death was caused by another party’s negligence, you are a surviving family member who is suffering monetary injury because of the wrongful death, and you’ve appointed a personal representative for your deceased loved one’s estate.

Damages From a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

You could receive a number of damages from a wrongful death lawsuit. You may get a settlement to cover medical bills you had to pay while your family member was fighting for their life. Your bills could include expenses for surgeries, hospital stays, prescription medicine, medical tests, and other associated costs. You might also get damages for funeral expenses you were forced to cover.

A loss of support and a loss of wages, including your family member’s base salary plus bonuses, commissions, and raises could count as damages you could claim. You might also claim a lost prospect of inheritance.

You’ll need to reach out to a Long Beach wrongful death lawyer for more information on all the damages you could claim in your case.

Wrongful Death Examples

You may have a valid wrongful death case if a driver hit your family member and severely injured them – which eventually led to their death – or killed them on the spot. The driver may have been distracted while behind the wheel, speeding, running stop signs and stop lights, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Another wrongful death example is either negligence, a car accident, or an intentional killing. Someone might have shot and killed your loved one or otherwise killed them on purpose. Even if they aren’t found guilty on criminal charges, you could still file you civil claim.

Medical malpractice may be applicable if the medical professional was negligent. Just keep in mind that medical malpractice suits are hard to prove. You’ll need your wrongful death lawyer to help you gather evidence to show malpractice.

More than one individual or party may be responsible for your loved one’s wrongful death as well. For instance, a company could have manufactured a faulty product that ended up killing your family member. Or, a construction company may have left debris in the road, which caused a driver to swerve and hit your loved one’s vehicle and killing them. You’ll need help from an attorney well-versed and experienced in wrongful death matters to figure out exactly who could be held liable for the death of your loved one.

Get in Touch Now

If you have a wrongful death case in Long Beach or Los Angeles, then contact the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates. You can call us at 562-216-2944 or contact us on our website. We can assist you during your time of need and help you get back on track.

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