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Long Beach Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Getting hit with sex crime charges can seriously derail your life. You could be facing time behind bars at the very least. Now, you’re worried about what lies ahead, and you don’t know where to turn for help.  If you need representation for sex crime charges in California, Robin D. Perry is here for you.

Discreet & Professional Sex Crimes Law Firm Serving Southern California

For more than 25 years, we’ve been defending clients accused of sex crimes in Southern California. You can give us a call at 562-216-2944 to schedule your consultation today and find out how we can fight for you during your time of need. In the meantime, learn more about sex crime charges and consequences.

Sex Crime Penalties in California 

There are different types of sex crimes and accompanying penalties you could experience in California. Some sex crimes include:

  • Date rape
  • Human trafficking
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Lewd conduct
  • Sexual battery
  • Sexual assault
  • Child sexual abuse

The penalties vary depending on the crime and the circumstances surrounding it. For instance, human trafficking is always a penalty in California and is punishable by up to 12 years in a California state prison, formal felony probation, and a fine of up to $500,000.

Possession of child pornography could be a misdemeanor or felony. If charged as a misdemeanor, you could be subject to a one-year jail sentence and up to $1,000 in fines. If you’re charged with a felony, you could end up having to go to state prison for up to three years and pay a fine of up to $10,000.

Not to mention, if you’re convicted of certain sex crimes, you’ll be required to register as a sex offender. If you fail to register, you could face further consequences. When you’re on the registry, the public can see a photo of you, where you live, and the crime you were convicted of committing.

You may also face alienation from your family members, friends, and colleagues, and have trouble finding a job or a place to live after getting convicted of a sex crime.

Defending Against Sex Crimes

Long Beach Sex Crimes Defense AttorneyThere are defenses you can make for sex crimes. For instance, perhaps the allegation against you is completely false, and someone brought it about in order to harm you. If it’s simply their word against yours and there is no evidence, the prosecutor is going to have a difficult time trying to prove you are guilty.

Additionally, maybe you believed someone was not underage – even though they were – or that a sexual encounter with another adult with consensual.

Perhaps the police performed an illegal search, and that’s why you ended up getting into trouble, or the police did not read you your Miranda rights or act properly when they arrested you. The prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty, but if their case has any weak spots, you could potentially prevail.

It’s critical you choose a highly experienced sex crimes defense lawyer like Robin Perry in Long Beach, who believes everybody deserves fair justice and has the knowledge and foresight to help you with a sensitive criminal charge. We serve clients throughout Los Angeles and Southern California.

Proving Your Case

Make sure that if you have any evidence to prove your defense, you bring it to your sex crimes defense lawyer immediately. Proof could include text messages, emails, social media messages, and other forms of contact between you and the alleged victim that you had before the alleged incident. You may also have photo or video footage proof you could send over to your lawyer.

Under absolutely no circumstances should you contact anyone involved in your case, especially the alleged victim. Cut off all contact and don’t tell your family or friends about what you’re going through. This could only hurt your case.

Taking a Plea Bargain

Most criminal cases end in a plea bargain instead of a criminal trial. This is because it can be difficult to prove that someone is guilty, and the criminal justice system is so backed up that judges and prosecutors don’t want to send every single case to trial. If you plead guilty or no contest, you may be able to get your charges reduced or dropped altogether.

You’ll need to consult with a Long Beach sex crimes defense lawyer at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates about the best option moving forward. They will let you know whether it’s worth it to go to trial or if a plea bargain is a better option.

What you should keep in mind is that although you can use a free public defender, that’s not ideal. They are often overwhelmed with cases and won’t be able to give yours the attention it requires. Instead, you need a lawyer who is going to be there for you when you need them and fight hard for you. That’s where Robin D. Perry can help.

Contact Us ASAP

If you’re facing sex crime charges, then reach out to the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates. You can call us at 562-216-2944 or contact us on our website. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you during your time of need.

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