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Expungement Attorney Serving Long Beach

You’ve made some mistakes in your past, but you’re ready to move forward and create a brighter future for yourself. However, even if you have matured and moved past your lapses in judgment, the criminal justice system doesn’t exactly make it easy to move on. A criminal record can impact many areas of your life, from the types of jobs you can apply for and your social standing to where you live.

Expungement may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Some types of criminal charges can be cleared through expungement, but this process can be complicated. Not all convictions qualify for expungement, and you must meet specific requirements. To discuss your options in greater detail, talk to a Long Beach expungement lawyer at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry at 562-216-2944.

Expungement Eligibility in Southern California

Not every conviction can be expunged, and for good reason—some convictions are dangerous enough that expungement would be unwise for public safety reasons. Furthermore, a pattern of ongoing criminal activity may serve as proof that someone seeking expungement hasn’t truly changed.


Some of the situations in which expungement may not be an option include:

  • Convictions in which the perpetrator served time in California state prison
  • Convictions involving someone who is serving time for another crime or is on probation for a crime
  • Convictions involving anyone with current criminal charges
  • Convictions for certain sex offenses against minors
  • Conviction in federal court
  • Convictions involving anyone who did not meet their sentencing requirements

If you were convicted in state court, did not serve time in state prison, have finished your probation, and met all of the terms of your sentencing, you may qualify for expungement.

Does an Expungement Reverse All of the Effects of a Conviction?

Expungement Attorney Serving Long Beach Expungement does not erase your criminal history as if it never happened. While it does help you in numerous ways, there are certain limitations you will still face. Under state law, once your application for dismissal is approved, the court record will update to show that your case has been dismissed. This allows you to report that you have never been convicted of a crime when you fill out job applications, although there are exceptions to that. Additionally, it may give you more freedom to travel internationally.

What won’t an expungement do? It will not:

  • Get someone removed from the California Sex Offender Registry
  • Give someone the right to own firearms
  • Prevent your conviction from being used to determine whether or not you keep a government license
  • Keep you from receiving stiffer penalties should you be convicted of future crimes—that is, your previous conviction will still count as a prior offense should you be charged with a new offense 

Multiple Options If You Have a Felony

If you plan on asking the court to expunge your felony conviction, you can also ask the court to reduce your charges to a misdemeanor. This is a valid option for many seeking expungement, as it does not cost any more to request both. Should your request for expungement be denied, you may still have the chance to have your charge reduced to a misdemeanor.

How the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry Can Help

The process of seeking an expungement can be complicated and time-consuming, making it impractical for many to figure out the process on their own. Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney is an easy way to ensure that you meet the state’s dismissal requirements, submit the appropriate documentation, and attend all necessary court dates. While you may need to provide initial paperwork and documentation to your attorney, you will likely be free to have minimal involvement moving forward.

At the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates, we understand that a criminal conviction can severely hinder your future opportunities. Our in-depth understanding of California dismissal law gives us the experience needed to take on cases like yours. With a quick review of your documentation and criminal history, we can give you an overview of your legal options. Our goal is to help you understand what expungement will do for you, what it won’t do for you, what the process looks like, and your potential outcomes.

You’re looking for a fresh start, and expungement may be the best option for you. Let’s talk more about your next steps.

Contact Us Now to Discuss Your options

Choose the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry for an experienced, empathetic, and results-focused approach to your case. Schedule a consultation now by calling just at 562-216-2944 or filling out our online contact form.

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