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Drug Crimes Defense Attorney in Long Beach

The consequences of a drug-related conviction can have a swift and severe negative impact on every part of your life, limiting your career options, where you’re approved to live, and your financial stability. No matter which type of drug charges you’re facing, it is crucial to take this seriously and fight your charges to avoid a conviction. Your future depends on it.

With the skilled Long Beach drug crimes defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry, you can rest easy knowing that your defense is in capable hands. Our team is committed to advocating for you and fighting for the best possible outcome. Call us at 562-216-2944 to set up a consultation now.

Common Drug Crimes in California

California state law imposes heavy penalties for a range of drug crimes, including those that involve:

  • Being in possession of drugs
  • Being in possession of drugs with the intent of selling them
  • Selling, transporting, manufacturing, or furnishing illegal drugs and controlled substances 

Crimes are further categorized by the type of drug you have been accused of possessing, intending to sell, or trafficking. For example, possessing a small amount of marijuana while under the age of 21 will lead to far less serious consequences than possessing any amount of methamphetamine, heroin, or cocaine. Basically, the severity of the crime combined with the severity of the drug determines how serious your charges are and what consequences you will likely face.

Potential Penalties for Drug Crimes

Long Beach Drug DefensePenalties vary widely for drug crimes in Southern California, which is why it’s so important to talk to a drug defense attorney as soon as possible after your arrest. Fines can easily be $20,000 or more, especially if there are aggravating factors present.

The amount of time you spend in jail or prison—or whether you spend any time incarcerated at all—depends largely on the severity of your crime. For example, those convicted of possession of paraphernalia will only spend up to six months in jail. On the other hand, if you are convicted of manufacturing a controlled substance, you could spend up to seven years in state prison, on top of paying fines as high as $50,000. Remember, being incarcerated in a state prison makes you ineligible for expungement under California state law.

Your criminal history also makes a significant difference in this area. Someone who is convicted of a violent or serious felony offense after two such previous convictions may have a minimum prison sentence of 25 years under California’s three-strikes law.

California Drug Diversion Program

While California does have strict penalties for drug-related offenses, it also provides options for those who meet certain requirements. Some offenders may qualify for the state’s pretrial diversion option, which can lead to having their charges dismissed after completion of drug treatment. An offender must plead not guilty and enter a drug treatment program. Should they fail to complete the drug treatment program, they will have a trial before a judge.

Only some offenses offer you this option. These offenses include:

  • Possession of a controlled substance
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Possession of methamphetamine for personal use
  • Being under the influence of a controlled substance
  • Using a forged prescription to obtain drugs for personal use 

Those interested in this diversion program must have no drug-related conviction outside those listed in the statute in the five years prior to the current offense. The current offense must not have involved violence or the threat of violence. Qualified offenders must have no felony convictions in the five years prior to the offense in question.

This is an option that focuses on rehabilitation over punishment, and it’s an excellent option for those who have had a lapse in judgment and want to get back on the right path.

Handling Drug Possession, Manufacturing, Trafficking and Distribution Charges

A drug-related conviction could cut short your future goals and make every aspect of your life much more difficult. Prosecutors often take a harsh approach to drug-related offenses, knowing that doing so gives the appearance of a community that is “tough on crime.” This approach ignores the fact that those who are arrested for drug possession, manufacturing, trafficking, distribution, or usage are often in need of help—not incarceration.

Depending on the nature of your charges, the evidence against you, your prior criminal history, and the circumstances of your arrest, there may be lots of options available for your defense. With the help of the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry, you know that you have a strong advocate in your corner.

Don’t let drug charges follow you for the rest of your life. Let us help.

Get the Guidance You Need—Call the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry

After your arrest, reach out to us immediately so we can start planning your defense. Reach out to us online or call us at 562-216-2944 now.

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