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Long Beach Code Enforcement Defense Lawyer

Whether you operate a business or you’re a private citizen, you have to follow certain codes that your local government has set. The government creates these codes to protect all of its citizens, and when people or businesses break them, it can harm the community as a whole. And if you’re caught not adhering to codes, you could have to pay hefty fines, potentially face criminal charges, and have to go back to the drawing boards when it comes to how you operate.

If you’re in violation of a code and you need legal help, the Long Beach code enforcement attorneys at the Law Office of Robin D. Perry & Associates can assist you. For over two decades, we’ve been representing clients in Long Beach and Los Angeles. You can give us a call at 562-216-2944  to schedule your consult today. In the meantime, learn more about code enforcement violations and how we can help you.

Common Code Enforcement Violations

Around Los Angeles and Long Beach, people and businesses can get fined for things like parking their vehicles illegally, throwing trash all around their property, putting up illegal or unpermitted business signs or banners, and running their businesses without a license. Additionally, if they’re builders, landlords, or developers, they could get cited for building code violations like obstructed entryways, malfunctioning smoke detectors, crumbling porches, and making modifications without a permit. Homeowners could be fined for building their fences too high, doing construction without a permit, or operating an illegal dwelling on their property. Other businesses like airlines could be in violation of local noise ordinances in Long Beach.

The government is strict whether you’re a business or a private citizen, and they won’t hesitate to fine you hundreds or thousands of dollars for not being up to code. However, if you get in touch with the Long Beach code enforcement attorneys at Robin D. Perry & Associates, you will have a fighting chance and you may not have to pay such hefty fines.


Defending Yourself Against Code Enforcement Violations Throughout Los Angeles

los angeles city hallMany code violations are infractions, and you’ll likely get a citation or you may be charged with a misdemeanor. Some code violations could result in a felony charge, however. Depending on what kind of charges or infractions you’re facing, your attorney will come up with the appropriate strategy.

When you’ve received a code enforcement action or you’re facing steep fines or even criminal charges, you can call the Long Beach code enforcement attorneys at The Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates. Remember that you should never give a statement to the city, code enforcement, investigators, or anyone else without first consulting with your attorney. Even if you are 100% innocent, your words could be twisted and used against you.

When you contact your lawyer, they will ask you if you have any evidence to support your side of the story. This could include photographs, witness statements, video footage, or records. If you aren’t sure what counts as evidence or you need help collecting more of it to strengthen your case, your attorney will be happy to help.

You could tell the code enforcement bureau that you had no intention causing any harm and that you made a simple mistake. For instance, let’s say you operate an airline that accidentally violates Long Beach Airport’s maximum single-event noise exposure level limit (SENEL). We have successfully worked with Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety (LADBS), Long Beach Development Services (LBDS), LAX, Long Beach Airport (LGB) and others to negotiate a fair outcome for all.

As you know, standing up to a City, County or State government code enforcement agency is not easy, and they typically have far more resources than you do. There are seemingly infinite rules and regulations and sometimes, you make a misstep. It shouldn’t end your business or have a catastrophic impact on your finances. There are ways out of this. All you have to do is call an attorney to figure out the best way to move forward.

Contact Us Now

If you’ve been hit with a code enforcement violation, then you need to get in touch with the Los Angeles and Long Beach professional license defense and administrative law attorneys at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates. You can call us at 562-216-2944 or contact us on our website. We look forward to helping you with your code enforcement violation and fighting on your behalf.

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