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Long Beach Business & Employment Advising

When you’re getting your business up and running, there are many different legal aspects you need to take care of in order to protect your company, yourself, your employees, and other stakeholders. If you fail to put all the legal precautions in place, then you risk opening yourself up to lawsuits, which could, unfortunately, lead to the downfall of your venture.

If you’re just starting a business and you want to be proactive in safeguarding it, the Long Beach business and employment advising attorneys at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates can help. For over two decades, we’ve been representing clients in Long Beach and Los Angeles. You can give us a call at 562-216-2944  to schedule your consultation. In the meantime, learn more about our business legal services.

Advising on Strategy, Compliance & Legal Matters Throughout Los Angeles

While starting a business is thrilling, it can also be difficult, especially if you’ve never done it before. When you’re just trying to sort out what kinds of products you’re going to sell, where you’re going to operate out of, how many employees you need, and other business basics, you may not cover all your bases when it comes to legal matters. With help from our Long Beach business advising attorneys, you can determine exactly what you need when it comes to legal matters and not have to worry about potential lawsuits.


What Business Type is Right for You?

You may want to keep your business as simple as possible and set up a limited liability corporation, or an LLC, on your own. However, this may not be the best choice for you. An S Corp, partnership, or another type of business could be more in line with your needs – our business attorneys can advise you on the best course of formation. Additionally, you could benefit from another business type by avoiding costly taxes. The Long Beach business and employment advising attorneys at Robin D. Perry can explain all of your options and help you choose the best one up front so you don’t have any legal or financial issues down the line.

Writing Contracts

A person signing contractYou know you need to create agreements between yourself, your partner, vendors, employees, and other parties. Even if you think you’ve created thorough documents, they may not hold up in court. We can work with you on creating enforceable contracts that will ensure you’re getting what you need out of your agreements in order to run your business as smoothly as possible. And if something has changed and you need to modify a contract, we’d be happy to assist you with that as well.

Employment Legalities

If you don’t already have employees, you’re going to need them in the future if everything goes well for your business. You’ll have to create employee policies, handbooks, and agreements, comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (if applicable) and OSHA, and decide on benefits packages. When hiring and working with employees, you’ll also have to put protections in place to make sure that you do not have discriminatory policies. Our attorneys can advise you on all types of employment matters so that you don’t have legal issues with your workforce at any point.

Workplace Investigations

Even with the right precautions in place, businesses can still experience employment issues. There may be allegations of harassment, bullying, discrimination, implicit bias, conflicts of interest, fraud, a hostile work environment, ethics violations, and more. Our Long Beach business and employment advising attorneys can come in and conduct a thorough investigation, advising your human resources department how to handle these allegations. Our objective investigation can be used in a court of law. After our investigation is complete, we can let you know what you may be able to expect in terms of an outcome with your lawsuit. With our help, you may decide to fight the matter in court or settle with the plaintiff outside of the courtroom. Either way, you’ll be armed with valuable knowledge on how to handle alleged misconduct if it ever happens again.

Contact Us Now

If you’re setting up your business and need some help avoiding litigation and other issues in the future, then get in touch with the Los Angeles and Long Beach business and employment advising attorneys at the Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates. You can call us at 562-216-2944 or contact us on our website. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your exciting new venture.

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