In Our Community
A Tradition of Volunteering.

Robin Perry with Bryan Stevenson, founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative
The Law Offices of Robin D. Perry & Associates has been part of the Long Beach Community for over 25 years, providing our firm the opportunity to make the community a better place. Whenever we have the opportunity to engage and assist the community, we to try to help when and where needed.
We have done so by serving on various nonprofit boards including St Mary Medical Center Foundation, the Long Beach Bar Association, Children Today, Leadership Long Beach and the 100 Black Men of Long Beach.
In addition to serving on charitable boards, we are proud to have founded the Moot Court Project, a summer program that has provided writing and advocacy skills to underprivileged youth. Most recently, our firm raised thousands of dollars for frontline grocery workers during the pandemic.
We are also honored to partner with the Long Beach City Prosecutor’s Office and Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office to expunge hundreds of criminal convictions for local area residents as part of the RISE Program.