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What Crimes Are Eligible for Expungement in California?

What Crimes Are Eligible for Expungement in California?

By Robin D. Perry |

If you have a criminal record in California, you may be wondering if there is a way to clear your record through expungement and get a fresh start. Expungement is a legal process that allows for certain crimes to be removed from your record, giving you the chance to avoid some of the painful… Read More »

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Mediation and Arbitration: Their Role in Business Litigation

Mediation and Arbitration: Their Role in Business Litigation

By Robin D. Perry |

Disputes are essentially inevitable when you’re in business for long enough, but the outcome can depend heavily on how you approach your disputes. Standard business litigation can be a powerful tool, but in some cases, it can be time-consuming and permanently damaging to your business relationships. In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods—including mediation… Read More »

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Protecting Your Business From Hostile Work Environment Claims

Protecting Your Business From Hostile Work Environment Claims

By Robin D. Perry |

Keeping your employees’ work environment positive, productive, and encouraging is key for maximum output and limited issues amongst coworkers. Hostile work environment claims can have a profoundly negative impact on your company’s reputation, legal fees, and ability to attract and retain new talent. As a Southern California employer, it’s important to have steps in… Read More »

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Liability and Legal Concerns in Swimming Pool Accidents

Liability and Legal Concerns in Swimming Pool Accidents

By Robin D. Perry |

Swimming pool accidents are tragically common, leaving many families recovering from near-drowning experiences or fatal injuries every single year. When these accidents occur, Southern California families are often left with more questions than answers. Was the accident predictable? Who’s to blame? What about their medical bills and other expenses? That’s why it’s important to… Read More »

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Consumer Rights and Your Social Security Number

By Robin D. Perry |

Your Social Security Number is an essential part of your personal information, and when it falls into the wrong hands, it can wreak havoc in the most important parts of your life. The good news is that California has strong consumer rights laws, and companies that require your SSN must take appropriate steps to… Read More »

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Are Your Independent Contractors Really Independent Contractors? Understanding the Differences Between ICs and Employees

Are Your Independent Contractors Really Independent Contractors? Understanding the Differences Between ICs and Employees

By Robin D. Perry |

The world of employment is wildly different than it was in generations past. Instead of working for one company for the duration of their career and collecting a pension after 40 years of service, people today have tons of options. They may change jobs every few years, completely alter their career path at will,… Read More »

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From Slavery to the Civil Rights Movement: New Orleans to Charleston

From Slavery to the Civil Rights Movement: New Orleans to Charleston

By Robin D. Perry |

See New Orleans, Selma, Tuskegee, Savannah and Charleston through a different lens. Visit iconic yet complicated Southern cities (New Orleans, Selma, Tuskegee, Savannah and Charleston), where millions of enslaved people first entered the United States, yet where African diaspora culture, instead of being totally eradicated or homogenized, was heroically preserved by former slaves and… Read More »

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Why You Must Be Proactive About Your License Defense Strategy

Why You Must Be Proactive About Your License Defense Strategy

By Robin D. Perry |

You’ve received a license complaint or you know that an investigation is underway. Either way, you’re likely panicking and trying to figure out what to do next. A lot depends on the circumstances of your complaint, the severity of the claims against you, and whether or not your license is generally in good standing…. Read More »

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Does the End of a Business Partnership Mean the End of Your Business?

Does the End of a Business Partnership Mean the End of Your Business?

By Robin D. Perry |

The end of a business partnership can be just as painful—and expensive—as a divorce. In the best-case scenario, both parties knew the arrangement was a temporary one and planned to part ways eventually. In many cases, though, the partnership fell apart in a way that fractured the personal relationship forever. However, terminating a business… Read More »

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The Hearsay Rule in Administrative Proceedings

The Hearsay Rule in Administrative Proceedings

By Robin D. Perry |

As a general rule, administrative proceedings “need not be conducted according to technical rules of evidence.” Still, common sense rules of evidence apply. For example, evidence must be relevant meaning it has a tendency in reason to prove or disprove any disputed fact that is of consequence to the determination of the action. (Ev…. Read More »

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